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Тест по английскому языку
An Englishman is a person who does things because they have been done before.
An American is a person who does things because they haven't been done before. (Английский)
Англичанин - это человек, который делает что-то, потому, что так делали раньше.
Американец - это тот, кто делает что-то, потому, что так никогда не делали.
© Автор: Mark Twain

Федеральный фестиваль «ФЕСТИ’АРТ 2014» (англ)


with the support of:

 Embassy of France in Russia,

the French Institute and the City Hall of Togliatti




3 and 4 April

            In the framework of the XII Festival «International Days of Francophonie» the federal festival of Francophone art «FESTI’ART 2014»will take place in Togliatti. On 3 and 4 April our town will accommodate participants from 12 regions of Russia where there are representative offices of “Alliance Française”. The festival consists of several competitions in which the winners of the regional elimination rounds will take part. During two days the participants and the audience will enjoy exciting performances.

3 April

         The opening ceremony of the festival “ FESTIART 2014 ” will take place at “Burevestnik ” at 10:00 a.m. It is going to be really interesting because of the competition which has three main parts: French song, theatre art and visual art. That day the professional jury will choose two winners in the nomination “ Theatre art ” who will be awarded the first prize – the training course in France, in summer 2014. Also ten candidates in the nomination “ French song “ will  be allowed to the second round.          

            Entrance free!

            The same evening, at 18.30, in the Avtograd Library there will be a unique masterclass of the French chansonnier JEAN-PIERRE BERUBE. He has amazing baritone, the charm of French chanson and he is a talented, masterly guitarist. During the masterclasses Berube teaches the spectators his songs thus they will be ready to communicate with him during the concert, on 4 April.

Entrance free but call us beforehand: 31-83-77, please!


            The second round of the competition in the nomination “French song“ will take place at “Burevestnik” at 11:00 a.m. Among these participants there will be only two who will get the main prize - the training course in France. The winners will have an opportunity to perform on the gala-show of the festival “FESTIART 2014.

Entrance free! 

4 April

            The gala-show of the federal festival “FESTIART 2014” will take place on the stage of Togliatti Philharmonic at 19:00. In the first part of the concert the winners will perform. But the star of the second part is our favorite French chansonnier - JEAN-PIERRE BERUBE ( the fourth time in Togliatti! ). Our special guest is the coordinate of “Alliance Française” in Russia – Mireille Cheval.

Tickets are available in the booking offices of T.Ph. and A.F.T. Tel.: 31-83-77

            In the evening, after the concert, there will be the karaoke party for all participants, organizers and our friends in the restaurant “Vesna”. Informal communication, snacks, drinks and karaoke are the final point of this bright event of Francophonie in Togliatti.

Tickets are available at A.F.T tel.:31-83-77 

For further information call to 31-83-77, 51-59-53,

«Alliance Francaise Togliatti»: 83, St.Rasina st, 44, Zhukova St.

 e-mail: togliatti@afrus.ru

web : www.afrus.ru/togliatti

Дата: 02.04.2014 Время: 22:27 Просмотров: 1853

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